Husband’s behavior, the hindrance to answered prayer
No doubt you have prayed over the years of your life…and you have probably gotten an answer or two.
There are a few hindrances to prayer and one is very prevalent but so hidden that most do not realize it is happening.
Let us investigate one of these hindrances…
Most of you know that the husband is referred to as “the High Priest” of his marriage.
In Ephesians 5:23 it states, “For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body”.
Some refer to the husband as the high priest of the marriage.
This makes the husband’s responsibility quite important, not only to the wife but to the entire family structure.
A marriage set on Gods foundation is:
- The foundation of the oneness of the husband and wife must be founded on God and His Word
- The behavior of the husband toward his wife is vital for answered prayer.
Read what Peter has to say about the subject in 1 Peter 3:7 “You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with [c]someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.”
Did you get that, men?
Watch how we treat our wives so that our prayers will not be hindered.
I rather like how explains it to us “You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way”
Let’s face it guys…there are times when we are interacting with our wives when we need all the understanding we can get!
At times it seems difficult if not impossible to reason or understand anything.
I have learned a thing or two over the almost 39 years I have known my beautiful wife.
Ill share a few of them with you.
- The approach is everything.
When talking to her about something that you may not agree with it is important to watch your tone, volume, and your choice of words.
- Listen to her with a “clear head” (listening to what she says without trying to make your point more important)
- Concede when she has a good point…tell her that you appreciate her point of view.
- At times going with her flow will pay dividends that are good!
All of this may seem impossible, but it is not if you know how God “wired” each of you to be.
Fort Worth Christian Counseling works with temperament which explains in detail how each of you communicates and how to understand each other.
Contact us by message, email, or phone to begin your appointment
Phone: (817) 898-0490