One step with me?

One step with me?I am asking the question…”One step with me?”

I was reading in Romans chapter 12 this morning starting at verse one that says

“therefore I urge you brother in by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship.”

One step with me?

All too often we will sit down and are comfortable chair kick back with our favorite beverage and debate whether we should call that number and get help.

We sit there knowing that there’s something wrong yet we will  say to ourselves “everything will be okay I just need to give it a little more time.”

I can tell you through experience myself, and through counseling thousands of individuals that quote “I will be okay” never comes.

Let me clarify here why an individual should seek counseling instead of waiting for everything to turn out okay.

This is the formula that has worked for me and countless thousands that I have worked with over the 20-plus years that I have been a doctor in the faith-based mental health field

If we look at Romans chapter 12 verse one where Paul says

“I urge you Brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God”

Mankind has one purpose on this planet and that purpose is to glorify God with our life force.

One step with me? …toward healing?

Is your marriage everything that it should be? If it isn’t what part are you playing in your marriage?

I understand that everyone goes through rough patches in their marriage… That seems to happen to everyone and not just a few.

Let’s face it if you are marriage with your mate is better everything about you will be better.

The creative juices will begin to flow again, that smile will reappear on your face that hasn’t been there for possibly years, and your physical body just may begin to heal!

I think that we can answer the question “would going to a therapist to help my marriage heal be worth the money?” with a resounding yes!

I know that some of you are in  well paying jobs, you’re making money hand-over-fist but are you truly happy?

One step with me? We can do this!

Do you have that same spark of overwhelming joy and Limitless love for your mate that you had when you first met?

Do you remember those days? Those days where your heart was ready to burst with love? And you would say to yourself “together we could overcome anything that comes against us!

The truth is that person that you’re married to has a gift… And that gift was given to them from God himself!

Romans chapter 12 verse 6 tells us “since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us

each of us is to exercise them accordingly”


But if you do not know what that gift is you may look at it as a hindrance, it may even seem irritating.


But if you realized that that trait in your mate that irritates you is a gift from God, you may begin to look at your mate just a little bit differently.

There is pain and agony, and I realized that. And the fear comes in that says it’s all hopeless just give up.

I am here to say to you all is not lost…together we can be what God wants us to be… As individuals or husband and wife.

And it all starts with one phone call or one email.

If I would ask you to trust God and trust us… Would you take that next step with us?

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