Affair…Chemical Addiction 2

Affair...Chemical Addiction 2









Affair…Chemical Addiction 2

Affair…Chemical Addiction 2 When we think about an extramarital affair we understand how devastating it can be.

We understand the pain that can be involved, and we may even understand how difficult it would be to save a marriage that has suffered an extramarital affair.

If you have read part one of the 2 part series on Affair…Chemical Addiction then you know that an affair is actually a chemical addiction.

The individual that is key in the affair has a difficult road ahead just as the loyal spouse does.  There is no easy way to save this marriage, but it can be done!

Lets look at some key steps that we can take to begin this process. (understand that you will need professional help in order to bring this to completion)

-Understand that the loyal spouse is going through very wild and extremely painful emotions, and most likely P.T.S.D. will be the result.

They cannot believe what has happened to them, they are shocked and the emotional pain is intense.  Understand here that there will be physical symptoms.

– the loyal spouse will ask many questions, each one needing to be answered.  They may ask the same question again and again in these questions need to be answered again and again..

-the loyal spouse will need to see transparency in the other spouse.  Any secret e-mail accounts that have been set up must be deleted while the loyal spouse is there.

So what about the spouse that was caught up in the affair?

This will definitely be an uphill battle in one that both spouses will need professional help with.  The spouse will need to win their mate back, but they can’t do it the way they did it the first time.

There are many steps that the spouse will have to take in order to win their mate back.  There’s more to it than I can write in one simple blog.

The spouse who was caught up in the affair must understand that they are fighting a physical chemical addiction.  This chemical addiction is something that they must seek out professional help in order to conquer. (at this point it is very important to read part one of the series)

The spouse caught up in the affair must change the thought patterns that got them into this affair to begin with.  Fort Worth Christian Counseling can help buy administering The Temperament Profile.

This will begin the process of helping them understand WHY this decision was made to begin with.


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