Are you prepared?
It seems as if preparedness is what life is all about these days.
Being prepared for natural disasters, being prepared for accidents,
And just being prepared for daily life seems to be quite a challenge doesn’t it?
As a doctor I pretty much hear everything… And that being said one of the things
that I find that married couples are least prepared for are each other!
When a couple comes in to my office with difficulties I find that they were not prepared.
What do I mean by not being prepared?
Here are some questions that can help you discover your preparedness with your mate.
- Have you been praying and seeking God daily?
This is really a Make or break move.
Seeking God for the answers to your difficulties is one of the
best things that a person or a couple can do.
I have found over the years that I have been in practice that
The Bible has the answer for every difficulty that a married couple will face.
If you are having difficulty or have a problem, it’s in there!
2. Have you or did you validate your mate?
Validation is just about one of the most important things that a couple can do for each other.
What do I mean?
If you are having a disagreement, do you let your mate know that you are listening to them?
Do you let your mate know that you understand where they are coming from?
I have found that this is one of the most important things that a couple can do…
Simply tell them that you understand what they are saying and you are listening!
3. Are you willing to admit that you are wrong?
This question never ceases to amaze me when I ask a couple if they are willing to admit that they need help,
if they are willing to admit that they are wrong.
I have seen marriages go to divorce court that really did not have to.
These were simple difficulties that at 1 mate would have admitted that they were wrong It could have been taken care of.
These are some simple things that a couple can do to be prepared for the
difficult times that they may hit in their marriage.
If you are having difficulty then you have come to the right place!
Contact us today
817 898-0490