Forgiveness, a practical application 1

Today I’d like to talk about the practical application of forgiveness this is a subject that you hear so much about these days, and if you’ve been a Christian for any length of time then you remember the sermons and the Sunday school lessons the dealt with forgiveness.
Forgiveness always involves something done to you that you need to deal with. When you have been hurt by another person it can leave a root of bitterness inside you that can grow and actually take over your life. This bitterness can take over your thought life, it can take over relationships, it can take over job performance …it can take over your entire life.
Forgiveness always involves something done to you
So let’s get into the practicality of it shall we? Many of you may be saying “I was sexually abused as a child so why would I ever want to forgive that person”? Are you crazy? Well actually no I am not crazy but I’ve certainly learned over the years of my life how to deal with the pain and to forgive. The bigger picture here is why should you forgive… it is almost as if I could hear some of you saying what’s in it for me?
I’m glad you asked that question!
When somebody wrongs you naturally it affects you, so you ask yourself the question “what did I do wrong?” “Why was I rejected?” “Why was I sexually abused?” “Why could I never measure up to my parents demands?” “Why was I always the outcast of my family?”
The questions can go on and on but the fact is you were hurt by these actions of another and what that does is gives the devil the chance to keep these people and the horrid memories in your life right up in front where you can see them and think about them constantly
but the fact is you were hurt by these actions
Look for Dr Penewit’s next article about forgiveness where he answers the question…”Why Forgive”