How you think is what you think Part 1
Kind of a catchy name for a title of an article don’t you think?
Today I want to talk about how we think and show you that it controls how you think
This of course is going to connect with the five temperaments that we work with here at the Penewit Institute
s you remember the five temperaments are the sanguine, the choleric, the melancholy, the phlegmatic and the supine.
So let’s begin shall we?
The first place I want to take you is to 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 where Paul says that even though we walk in the flesh we do not carry on our spiritual warfare according to the flesh. What that means is the battlefield is not with the flesh but it is in the mind!
If we connect Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 to this Paul tells us exactly what to think. The list is whatever is…
-worthy of respect,
-right and confirmed by God’s word,
-pure and wholesome,
-lovely and brings peace,
-admirable and a good report,
-if there’s any Excellence,
-or anything worthy of Praise think on these things.
This list not only tells you what to think but it weeds out everything that you shouldn’t think. So this makes it pretty easy don’t you think?
Now we know where the battlefield is what to think and that how we think determines what we think.
How does this connect with The 5 Temperaments?
Let me show you! Let’s begin with the Melancholy
The Melancholy in inclusion (which is where your thought process happens) is a very deep thinker, in fact in my opinion they are the deepest of thinkers.
I think that more people that are genius prone are Melancholy in inclusion than any other temperament.
The Melancholy however has a brain that they can’t shut off. It moves at an extremely fast pace and this causes anxiety which leads to depression for the melancholy.
The Melancholy can follow the scriptures that we just mentioned to know where the battlefield is and what to think but they need help to learn how to think differently.
Knowing what’s your temperament is is the first step and changing this process. At The Penewit Institute we have the ability to show you.