Just one more step…

just one more step...

I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet or not, but things are getting really nasty out there.

If you look at the way things are going you might even think that these are the final days! And I really do believe that they are.

The basic tenets of faith and honesty and integrity and life are being attacked from every angle possible and yet God still expects us to take one more step.

Let’s be honest here for a second, can we? There will be times in life when you need help, and that is what we are here for to help.

I can honestly say there’s very little that you can tell me that I haven’t seen many times before.

You have to trust somebody, and I can guarantee you I’m a trustworthy person!

You have to trust somebody…

This is something over the 45-plus years that I’ve been a Spirit-filled Christian that I realize.

No matter what is going on in my life the father expects me to take one more step.

At times I really don’t know how I’m going to do it, how I’m going to succeed or if I am even going to stay alive emotionally.

Because I’m sure that you all realize just as I do that the battlefield is in the mind.

The devil is going to attack your thoughts before he attacks anything else because if he can get you to say something that’s not a faith then he’s got you beat!

So, we have to sit and read scriptures out loud everyday. Sometimes I have to do it all day when I’m not in a counseling session

Because I’m sure that you all realize just as I do that the battlefield is in the mind

And as usual I always end up in a foreign hostile land and I have no idea how to function in that land.

And yet I do function in that land and I always succeed I always defeat the enemy, I always win.

It isn’t my success it’s Christ in me that does it.

I do the same thing with my marriage, there are times when I don’t feel like I can go one more step, but I love my wife passionately I love my wife above all else except for my love of God.

So, I will find a way, I will keep taking that next step into the unknown.