Soul Ties and Temperament

Soul TiesAs you read this post you will not only learn about soul ties but you will also learn about “Soul Ties and Temperament”

Some of you have probably heard of the term “soul ties”  and some of you may not know what I’m talking about

I’ll be as simple as possible in my description of soul ties.

Have you ever had a happy day?

Have you ever had a happy day? I mean you were happy, care free and on top of the world.

But then “Debbie downer” or “sad sack” drops by for a visit and POOF! There goes your happy day.

Have you ever developed a relationship with a person that you regretted later?

How did this person make you feel? What was your life like after that?

There are people that we meet that have demonic “ties” to other people who are not Godly or honest people…

and when we connect with them socially, mentally or physically sexually we are connected with these people whether we like it or not.

These ties can determine future relationships and just about everything that we attempt in our lives but ESPECIALLY RELATIONSHIPS!

What are among the strongest creators of soul ties? SEX!

Each Temperament has different “needs” where sex is concerned but each of the 5 temperament have these needs.

Each Temperament has different “needs” where sex is concerned

If you’ve connected with people sexually outside a relationship, then more than likely you have these soul ties.

Please note that there are many other ways to get bad soul ties…and each temperament processes these things differently.

The good news is that you CAN be set free from ungodly ties.


Contact us to find out how

700 N. E. Loop 820 Suite 200 B
Hurst, Texas 76053
Phone: (817) 898-0490