Temperament Questions Answered

Temperament Questions AnsweredI want to make Temperament as easy to understand as it was meant to be, so lets begin with Temperament Questions Answered.

If you’ve ever asked yourself the question “why do I make the decisions that I make” or “why do I do the things that I do” then you are asking about your Temperament.

God “wired” us a certain way, he “wove us in our mother’s womb” just the way he wanted us to be.

After having your Temperament Profile administered, you just may find that you are closer to your goals than you thought you were.


Let’s look at the 3 parts of your “Temperament” and what they are: Inclusion (Your Mind), Control (Your Will) and Affection (Your Emotions)

There’s been lots of talk and study about “the brain” lately and I’m excited to see it.

People are interested about their brain…how it works and what to do to make it healthier.

all of this is answered in The Temperament Profile and Temperament Questions Answered

What is a Temperament Profile?

A Temperament Profile is a tool that your therapist will use to help you answer questions about yourself, your mate or children.

  • Do you ever wonder why you say the things that you say?
  • Or do you ever wonder why you do the things that you do that get you into trouble?
  • Are you a parent who “hurts” because your child isn’t happy at school, or doesn’t have very many friends?
  • Do you feel rejected and ignored by your mate or family members and you are “at the end of your rope”?
  • Or maybe you feel like you are not a very social person and feel like it’s all your fault?

Having your Temperament Profile taken will answer these questions and many others.

The Temperament Profile is very helpful with school age children who are having trouble “fitting” in with other children.

The Profile also helps explain to a teacher why your child is having learning difficulties in school.

You may learn that a “learning difficulty” isn’t a “learning difficulty” at all!

What is inclusion

Inclusion is the part of your Temperament that determines “surface” relationships, like friends, co-workers, church groups, social groups, clubs etc.

Inclusion also includes your “intellectual energy”

Note: Inclusion DOES NOT INCLUDE deep relationships.

What is Control

Control is the need to have and keep control and power in a relationship. Who makes the decisions in a relationship?
Note: This DOES INCLUDE close relationships like mates or children as well as “friends”

What is “Affection”?

Simply Put: Affection is the need to give and receive love and affection.Affection is unique because this can only happen between two people.