I cannot express in words how vitally important knowing what your Temperament is and how it affects your decision making process.
I want you to think back to a place in your life, maybe long ago…maybe not too long ago. A decision was made that you regretted.
Even though you were “in your right mind”, and could see what was coming at you, and even though you knew what you needed to do…
you looked at that situation and you deliberately made the decision that you made.
But…did you really deliberately make the decision that you made?, or were you guided, perhaps, by some “unseen force” that you had no control over?
What if I told you that you are making decisions based on “needs” that you may or may not even know that you have?,
and that if you know what these “needs” are, you would be able to continually make Godly decisions for the rest of you life?
1. Inclusion, where our social orientation lies, (that is to say how we want our relationships with others to transpire) and intellectual energies.
2. Control, how much control we want in our lives and how much we want to control others.
3. Affection, How we want and express affection in our lives, with family and loved ones as well as people in every day life
I cannot express in words how vitally important knowing what your Temperament is and how it affects your decision making process.
Within each one of us, God has placed a unique individual Temperament that determines how we respond to people and situations.
Of course, I am simplifying things here for the purposes of time and space,
but this temperament goes to the very core of what you are and who God created you to be.
With each temperament goes what are known as “Temperament Needs” These needs will be met in a Godly way, or an ungodly way, but they will be met.
Interestingly enough, we are quite powerless to stop meeting these needs, but God never intended us to stop trying to meet these needs.
Your decision making processes are connected to your temperament needs.
For example, if you have a very strong need to be “in charge” then you will more than likely be known as a “controlling person”.
Things may be difficult for you because you are always finding that people are angry with you or trying to avoid you.
However, you are designed by God to be a leader, to be in control and you will always find yourself gravitating toward this lifestyle.
So whats the answer?
Well,…learning what your temperament needs are is the first step, then learning how to meet each one of these needs in a Godly way is the next step.
Learning what each one of your unique temperament needs are is priceless to a person,
and then discovering how to meet these needs in a Godly way will set you on a path that will allow God to use you and bless you immeasurably.