The #1 reason people request counseling
At Fort Worth Christian Counseling we read about it every day.
People are attempting to find ways to help with life’s difficulties.
They try differing things but usually to no avail.
I recently read an article from a clinical researcher that suggests that cursing at your boss at work has a calming positive effect on one’s body, lifts spirits and chemical balance.
I can assure you that all you will accomplish with this action is a spot in the unemployment line.
I can name numerous obscure articles touting similar studies that do not work.
Studies suggest that eating chocolate is all you need to heal mental illness.
News websites that have an “Odd News” page will show Judges sentencing offenders to Yoga classes, anger management courses.
This information shows that researchers are still searching and finding very little to use in helping humanity.
So…why should I consider Faith Based/Biblical therapy, you may ask?
Understanding that God designed you a certain way is one way to answer this question.
I don’t know anyone that hasn’t or doesn’t have a secret longing deep inside of them for peace, tranquility, serenity.
Man can show you a thousand ways to “achieve” this inner peace, but looking at it logically, it simply doesn’t work. I can answer this in short- Jesus is the answer.
So often we assume that Biblical therapy is nothing more than Sunday School Lessons, and yet nothing can be further from the truth.
Guiding an individual to “healing” is simply a step-by-step process that is contained in The Bible, knowing the correct path is where Fort Worth Christian Counseling comes in.
Consider that some people are called into full time ministry to Pastor a church, to become an evangelist, or even to become a missionary to another country.
Professionals at Fort Worth Christian Counseling are called to be Biblical Therapists, meaning that their ministry is to assist people to emotional health.
Personally, my wife and I have pastored as well as evangelized in times past and know from experience what works and what does not.
Fort Worth Christian Counseling not only assists people from all walks of life, they minister to pastors as well.
Our therapeutic counseling models are up-to-date and completely Bible based in nature, and since God created you a certain way, we can help you see exactly what that may be!
At Fort Worth Christian Counseling, your happiness is taken very seriously, in fact…it is our life’s goal!
Our therapeutic counseling models are up-to-date and completely Bible based in nature, and since God created you a certain way, we can help you see exactly what that may be!
At Fort Worth Christian Counseling, your happiness taken very seriously, in fact…it is our life’s goal!
Fort Worth Christian Counseling
Dallas Office 469 248-PCCE (7223)
Fort Worth Office 817 898-0490