When You Are Hurting
Early one morning I remember I was hurting…and looking into a mirror and crying out to God,
“God, I am emotionally bankrupt! I simply have nothing left to give.”
I heard God speak into my inner man and say “Good, now we can begin”
When we are hurting inside, the first thing that we all want to do is to fix it. We don’t want to live another day like we have been living…we are emotionally spent.
God, however, always has a plan for us that will end up for our good if we will allow him to speak into our life.
How? You may ask? I’m really hurting here!
Actually, God can speak to your hurt right from your Bible, but he also uses people to assist you too.
A family member, or trusted friend can help, but there are times that you need specialized help.
Your child may be in a situation that you simply cannot ignore, or you may be at the end of your rope in a marriage that you don’t want to end but can’t see any other way out.
If you know where to look you will see other options. A counselor certified by The National Christian Counselors Association has devoted their lives to help you find your way out of that jungle that you are in.
They are trained to see avenues that fit your temperament that you can live with.
These avenues are not impossible but are designed with your temperament in mind so that you will be able to eventually find your way out.
It may seem impossible now because you are hurting, but it really is not.
Years ago, I pastored a small country church in a rural area and it was there that I learned that it is more difficult to pastor a smaller church than it is to pastor a larger one.
It was one of those months that seemed to have insurmountable problems stacked on top of major difficulties.
Early one morning I remember looking into a mirror and crying out to God, ” God, I am emotionally bankrupt! I simply have nothing left to give.”
I heard God speak into my inner man and say “Good, now we can begin”
The story goes on from there, but I ended up “finding my way out of the hurting” it was a time I shall never forget.
Still today, I use what I learned during those trying times to assist me even today in difficult situations that arise.
You see…God had to wait for me to quit messing things up so that we could do things HIS way.
I am convinced that together, you and I just may be able to find out how to do things HIS way in your situation.
Fort Worth Christian Counseling
Dallas Office 469 619-3411
Fort Worth Office 817 898-0490