The Overwhelming Destructiveness of Porn


The Poison of Porn

Not too long ago I was talking to a pastor friend about porn and its effects on the human body as a whole.

During the conversation, he made this statement to me, “there are two kinds of people.

Those who have viewed pornography and those who lie about not viewing pornography.”

Research shows that a large segment of the population is affected by pornography, both male and female.

This is not a subject that I had planned on dealing with at The Penewit Center.

After dealing with so many men and women about this subject, I realized that I cannot ignore it nor dismiss it.

I began an intense study on this subject and as I started, I learned of a different side of pornography and its effects on the brain.

I started by searching the subject out in The Bible realizing that I would best understand it by seeking the subject in it’s pages.

I came across a passage in Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 34: “So that you shall be driven mad by the sights which your eyes shall see.”

This one small verse stated my research on pornography and its effects on the chemical balance of the human brain.

I want to make it clear that I do not think that viewing pornography will cause you to go insane.

What pornography will do is even more hideous and insidious than insanity.

I discovered that what we see with our eyes has a more dramatic result on the brain that I first thought.

I cannot get into all of the specifics here due to specific language and explanations that I would have to use, however, I want to ensure that you understand the danger of pornography.

As I did more research I discovered that viewing pornography actually changes the delicate chemical balance of the brain in an extremely destructive way.

One peek will do more damage than you may realize.

When a person views pornography, it creates a chemical that is many times more addictive than crack cocaine.

At first it seems harmless enough, but even during the initial stages, damage is being done.

I have yet to meet one person who only looked at pornography once and then quit.

I know that there may be a few out there in the general population who have just viewed once, but they are very few and far between.

Pornography alters the chemical balance in your brain even after the first time.

I know that there are many of you right about now who are realizing that you are in need of help.

You realize that you may very well be addicted, or you may be a hard core addict who is well into addiction.

I can assure you that all is not lost, nor is it hopeless. Counseling at The Penewit Center is discreet and never embarassing.

You will not be alone in your walk toward freedom, nor will you feel like a failure.

Most men do not want to stay in this lifestyle, and sincerely desire to cease this activity and live a pure life, but HOW?

Dr. Penewit is available to assist you in your walk toward victory.

It is surprising to note that as many women are caught up in the struggle with pornography as men, and Linda Penewit is available to assist women as they too walk toward freedom.

Wives of men caught up in pornography need special help from a seasoned professional who is keenly aware of the difficulties of living with a husband who is struggling with pornography.

Linda Penewit is noted as she assists wives to understand their husbands and themselves.

Together Linda will assist you in developing a plan to take your marriage back from the hands of the pornographer and into the hands of Jesus and each other.

Dr. Penewit is available to speak to your church, men or womens’ groups concerning this subject.

He is also available speak to your church staff and youth ministers and instructors.